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Website Redesign
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An integrated learning experience (ILX) allows learners to have a more holistic learning experience. It combines multiple facets of learning, which could include videos, text, quizzes, labs, etc. At Pluralsight, the current ILX experience was very limited and included many gaps that needed to be filled to enhance the overall learning experience for users. My mission was to improve these experience for learners and implement the necessary features to allow users to learn in whatever way is best for them.


I worked on every aspect of this project, from beginning to end. I analyzed the current state, conducted and led research, interviews, designing, and testing. Through this project, I was able to become more proficient in my leadership and communication skills. I was also able to learn more about object-oriented UX (OOUX).


UI, Information Architecture, Design, Research, Current State Analysis, Primary Research, Usability Testing


4 Months


May 2024 - August 2024


Kelley McTyer, Melanie Chen


Figma, Slack, Google Suite

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Our user group consisted of two main groups:


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Learners would be the individuals that are actually interacting with the interface. However, changing the learners side of the interface would inevitably change the process that authors would need to go through when creating a course. This part of the system was not created during this project.


In order to gauge out a list of features that needed to be added, I found it crucial to look into Pluralsight’s current state to kick-off the initial research. I analyzed Pluralsight's ILX pages, as well as their other learning platforms, which were other ways users could learn, but did not include the holistic experience of ILX. From this, I was able to determine what was missing and from ILX and what was included in the other learning platforms, to bring ILX to parity. This included analyzing the course details page (page before the video that gives general course information) and the video player (the video itself).

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Course Details Page

Video Player


I conducted a competitor analysis to aid me in gaining more insight into how competitors were allowing their users to learn. I wanted to learn more about what features were currently being used to competitors and what features were most essential, to allow Pluralsight to stay competitive within the market. I looked into Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, and LinkedIn Learning.


I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the experiences of learners when interacting with the current platform. To do this,spoke to around ten Pluralsight users and showed them the current state and allowed them to walkthrough and share their thoughts. From these interviews and the previous analyses, I learned that what features were most essential to be added in the first round of improvements. These features included:


Add to Channel

Allows users to compile a collection of courses

About the Course 

Gives users a longer more detailed description

Bookmark Course

Allows users to save courses for future reference

Author Information

Gives users background information about the author

Reviewed Date

Informs users of the freshness of content


Allows users to receive a certificate upon completion


Relevant Resources

Allows users to view and download resources

Mark Lesson

Allows users to mark a lesson as watched


Allows users with accessibility issues to learn better

Resources Button

Allows users to view resources on a collapsed sidebar


Once I had al of the information for what needed to be added, I was able to start ideating and sketching. To do this, I first analyzed all of the features and got a general idea of where they would go on the page, based on placements on the other Pluralsight learning platforms and competitors. After this, I began sketching out my ideas. The goal of sketching was to get out my initial ideas and begin to narrow them down.

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From sketching, my goal was to create a more polished design for developers to use next. I wanted to ensure that the features were added in a way to improve the user experience and would be easy for previous users to understand. The main goal was to increase the capabilities for ILX, so that users could do more and learn in the most productive way for them. I created the mockups in Figma, using company components and design system.

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To test the feasibility of my designs, I conducted usability testing. The goal was to ensure that all of the additional features were easily understandable and usable. To do this, I spoke with around ten Pluralsight users. I created an interactive prototype of my design and allowed them to walkthrough with guided scenarios. An example is "Imagine you are a learner trying to use this course. If you wanted to view and download the available resources, how would you do that?" From this, I learned that a majority of users understood how to use the additional features. A few users encountered some difficulty when they were unfamiliar with the task.

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